How might we use data visualization to understand the relationship of wellness and work?
Project Type/ Design
Objective/ To visualize the relationship of financial resources against time to understand its impact on holistic wellbeing
Role/ Visual Design, Story
Team/ Annyelica Diaz, Kelly Ernst
Wellness as a holistic experience that includes, but is not limited to: time with self, time with family, exercising, eating well and any/all activities that support the well being of an individual living in NYC.
Visualizing a direct link between financial wellness and holistic wellness allowed us to understand the living experience of people with different incomes in NYC. This visualization explores the concept of wellness in a capitalist economy.
Our process allowed us the creativity to explore the economization of time and consequently, how time economizes wellness. Visual mapping practices illustrate how individuals with added resources are afforded more time, which in turn affords them more wellness and wellbeing - time allows for the economization of wellness. We use factors such as minimum wage, cost of living and yearly income to analyze our findings and map our theory.
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