Kelly Ernst/
Strategic Designer
Kelly Ernst/
Design Strategist

In Common™ Studio

How can we leverage belonging to co-create
and shape stronger, future proofed communities

Designing Belonging

How can we harness
the multicultural power of 2nd generation
Millennials to create community spaces
where belonging thrives?

Making the
Intangible Tangible:
NASA and the LEO Economy

How can NASA and the International
Space Station create a meaningful relationship
with the public consciousness, and in doing so
position ourselves in the future of space exploration?

Product Strategy

Human centered product experience, strategy,
and design research for digital products in spaces of arts, culture and planetary ecology

Field Engagements

Instances of field engagment
through thought leadership
speaking opportunities and research

(she/her) is a multi-disciplinary experience strategist, designer, design researcher and artist. Kelly works to advance social impact innovation through the imagining of cultural futures and cultivating spaces of belonging. She 
applies design methodologies to research, strategy, art-making, and 
technology development
in a variety of industries including arts and cultural production, humanities, social impact entrepreneurship, and innovation technology. Kelly has special interest in speculative design futures and emerging design research practices. 

She has contributed to design projects on creative economy recovery with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, worked with NASA on strategies to preserve the legacy of the International Space Station, and worked to launch the Creative Vitality Summit 
. Kelly sits on the board of the Civic Canopy, a civic and social innovation nonprofit in addition to her various thought leadership engagements within the arts and culture field. She holds an MS in Strategic Design and Management from Parsons School of Design and a dual BA in Art History and Technology, Art and Media from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Currently, Kelly is developing strategy and experiences with
applying specuative design practice to the future of energy innovation. When her focus is not turned toward design, experience, and strategy,  Kelly is teaching social impact design with Parsons School of Design, working on her
, making
, or enjoying winters in Brooklyn
NY, where she is based, for the proximity to the frigid surf.

Kelly applies design, strategy and innovation through:


Intervention Assessment
User Surveys
Qualitative Insights
Quantitative Interpretations
Engagement Strategies
Future Casting
Design Speculation
Concept Development


Strategic Planning
Concept Testing
Landscape Analysis
Function Frameworks
Concept Roadmap
Product Development Performance Assessment
Product Incubation and Discovery


Visual Systems
User Experience
User Interaction
World Building
Environnment and Spatial Experience

instances of 
on the internet / email / instagram / linkedin / blue book